The Woes of Single's Street

If you think your attempt to no longer hang in the singles group is slow then what would you say about the fastest man alive who may be in search of a suitable partner to settle down with.

According to Jamaica Blogz  the six time Olympic champion, Usain Bolt was quoted ” I am trying to find a girlfriend”. He said he was ready to settle down and start a family BUT I guess he is looking like the rest of us oops I meant like the rest of you singles on Single’s Street.  I am now out since I am in a relationship (choking at the thought of the hard work we both will have to put in to make it work)

The Woes of Single's Street

Isnt he just handsome ladies?


 At first when i arrived on the singles street I found it very exciting. I felt like a caged bird that was released into the wild. I felt like a kid at the circus for the first time and often found myself very amused by all the characters that I encountered.  Now that i think about it it felt more like China Town, a mixture of every type of personalities were present. IT was very scary as things have changed over the years and men and woman don’t court as I was use to; well lets just say things weren’t always done the way how I wanted it to be done and I had a problem with that since I knew what I was searching for down the singles street.

Armed with a list of Do’s Dont’s and requirements I began exploring; always reminding myself to stay in the blue zone at all times. I met some wonderful men who made good friends rather than partnerS and I was always ridiculed for being picky. Who can blame me, I KNEW WHAT I wanted (so i thought) and I didnt plan to settle for less. So head strong I was that I missed out on possible partners because there was maybe a thing or two that was off. If i didnt feel you (make a connection right away) i wouldnt even flinch. One guy I met was very nice and we hit it off the bat. He also loved outdoor activities and the beach and gardening and….i thought he was pretending at first but he was genuine. However there was one thing I could not ignore. (covers face) It scared the daylight out of me…I had nightmares…and I thought if I am going to possible reach a level in a relationship with this person I am going to have to see this daily. I am going have to feel it a nights rubbing on me especially when it is cold. I am going to have to tend to it and take care of it while I show him how much I appreciate him. I couldn’t get pass this..

HE HAD UGLY FEET (did I say that loud)

DebsSo everyone has their little nuances and mine is fingers, toes, teeth and smile. Well these are from just looking but going on a date I couldn’t see his feet until we went to the beach and for the entire day I buried my head in a book. That night I had a nightmare fearing his toes would transform into a creature and come after me. I woke up sweating.

Dating in the technological ages should (key word) be simpler since there is access to dating sites and social sites that affords persons the opportunity to meet new people and get to know them but in reality it is a pain in the lower section around the back. It does make it a lot easier to maintain long distance relationship using services such ad Skype and it helps with communication although some persons over use it .

 My journey down the singles street was not a walk in the park and to those who are still on that street visint shops, restaurants and lounges on a Friday night trying to see if there is a suitable partner I have one few words sof advice to give.

Don’t search for him or her. When you do that it will cloud your judgement.

Don’t walk with a list of attributes especially ones you don’t have.

Don’t overthink when you meet someone. Allow the chips to fall in place

Don’t put yourself out there advertising your relationship status. There are men and women whose profession is to play the part of the partner you are looking for all in the name of fun so don’t attract unwanted attention.

If you sleep with someone on the first day let it go. Don’t hang on to the thought of how he may look at you after. Things happen and as an adult you made the decision to have sex. IF he doesn’t call back then fine but do not I say DO NO text him the following morning saying “ I never sleep with a guy on a first day you must think I am a SL*&” . Ladies it makes you look very immature as if you are full of emotions and your emotions are driving your decisions.

When going on a date stop dressing up your coochie and dress up your mind with things you would like to get to know about your date. Stay focus.


I got off the singles street without realizing that i was leaving. I just met someone while chilling out and taking a breather and after a while we both jsut got up and got on the relationship bus that was heading uptown and since then we have been working on our relationship. It's not easy especially when you love someone yet you feel like you want to strangle them at times but I do love him and he completes me. He is far from being perfect, he messes up some times and as for me i am not the easiest person to deal with as i get impatient at times and worry too often but he loves me just the same. Besides how can i not love him, he has beautiful, feet, fingers, teeth and a smile that quiets me when i am upset which makes me get all squishy inside.


 Usian hang in there, she is out there and to everyone; go out and have a great time whether or not you have a date. You have to learn how to celebrate and love you in order to share you with someone. Many times we know nothing about ourselves yet we want the new partner to find out about us. Be you, Be Confident and enjoy your tour of Singles Street.

  Dee Hunt


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