The older i get the harder i try.......

I try harder not to return anger when that is what someone displays to me. I remain calm and composed and gather my thoughts before i respond.

I try harder not to return an obvious disrespect especially when done publicly, i openly acknowledge then address in a courteous manner and allow the person to disappear.

I try harder not to hate or

dislike but to tolerate and accept people for who they are then decide if i want them in my life or not.

I try harder not to spend what i don't have but to live within the balance in my bank accounts.

I try harder to solve the existing problems i have rather than create new problems to be solved.

I try harder to listen to others rather than speak when i should be listening.

I try harder to ignore negative people and replace one negative person with five positive persons as i go along.

I try harder to read, write, meditate and listen to all genres of music rather than leave my thoughts idle out of fear of putting my self in trouble. idle minds think of idle things.


I try harder to learn new things daily and to keep myself updated so that i feel comfortable enough to have a conversation with the moon about the cow that keeps jumping over it.

I try harder to define myself rather than spend time defining others

I try harder to judge myself before i begin to judge others

I try harder to see the good in everyone rather than write them off because someone said they are not good

i try harder to know more about me, myself and I before i get to know about others.

I try harder eat healthy rather than eat junk and complain when i get ill from not taking care of my body.

I try harder to do the things that makes me happy and not do what pleases others

Sometimes all you have to do is try harder...


give it a shot and you will see the difference in your life.



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