Our lives are unfolding as we navigate through life. It is slowly

unfolding daily. For some, it is the hardest jorneys they have travelled along and others may think it was easy by looking at the outcome. Our lives are like a suspense movie...we do not know the end and we should not sit and wait for it. Instead live and be happy with the little you have daily.

Sometimes you feel you cant make it and feel you shouldn't be where you are now but you are.

In great stories the ones full of darkness, the darkness will always does and these are the stories that will stay with you. How you claimed victory, and success.


The stories you will remember are ones when you had the chance to turn back but didnt because you had something that held you going.

There is still a lot of good left in this world and it is worth living for. It is worth experiencing. Your story is still unwritten. Turn over a new page and begin to write your story once more..

"Today i will allow myself to smile at my failure. It is through them i have learned lessons to help others and stories i will share when i reap my success."


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