Do You Know What Today Is?

environment and make persons aware of any issues that are threatening it. To date, Earth Day is observed in 175 countries, and coordinated by the nonprofit Earth Day Network.


For this Earth Day I wish more persons will become aware of the little things they each can contribute to help make this world a better place to live by lessen the damage we do for the environment.

What to participate in your own way? Then here are a few things you could do


1.       Plant a garden or a tree

2.       Start recycling

3.       Donate to the less fortunate instead of dumping

4.       Get more knowledgeable about groups you could join to help with the movement

5.       Go green today if you can like walking to work or riding your bicycle.

6.       Clean up litters

7.       Conserve on energy usage



For more information on Earth Day please read more at the following  Earth Day Movement Website!



Happy Earth Day Everyone!





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