Labour Day 2014

living on a prayer. Regardless of your situation please be grateful. Please remember that there are others out there who are less fortunate and if there is any assistance you can give please stretch out a hand or two. Giving is not limited to money.

Labour Day 2014 is approaching and there are a number of projects that you can participate in to help build a community like paint a school, help build a small dwelling for someone to live in or just cut grass and clean up a play field.





We are Jamaicans and this is our country. It makes no sense we complain everyday that politicians aren't doing their jobs when we the citizens aren't doing our part. Let them see that it is not only when its "ink finger time" we can put on our colours and gather in the square. Let us prove that as a nation we are united beyond the orange and green and let politicians tremble in their boots when it is time to give out free salt fish and flour (is so mi hear i never get none ).

I was asked recently "Should we give thanks for the disaster we put our country and our selves in ? A country without a vision, the people WILL perish"

My response
:- Once there is life there is hope Warren Gray. Once you have children living in this country with you or any other country best belief you need to stop worrying about the what took place and start thinking what can i do to help my RACE. The time for change starts now and it begins with each and every one of us.

Too long have we pushed issues aside because it does not directly affect our children or immediate families well it has reached home, the decision is ours. Are we going to sit and watch life go by or atleast try to prepare a legacy for our grand kids. The vision of the country is US, yep US the people we live in it everyday!!!!! We are stronger than we give ourselves credit. country is useless without the people.

So this Labour Day sign up, show up and tun up the project right across Jamaica. Its our island, our home, our treasure in the big blue (Caribbean Sea)

Let Us Unite For Change Jamaica!


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