Forest Trek King!

Yup that’s me, I cannot afford to leave anything I may need besides not because it is called hiking it means you cannot look your best exploring. Well the bag felt too heavy to carry so after shedding the unnecessary things so let us review the Items to pack: small towel, wipes, sunscreen, camera, water, insect repellent, pain killer, an extra t-shirt, sandals, mixed nuts, chippies banana chips,deodorant and mint sweets and I was off to the location to get registered and start the ride to the hike location.



Event: Forest Trek 2014

Where to: Windalco Alpart Bauxite Mining Company, St. Ann

Transportation: Jamaica Urban Transist Company

Final location: Holly Mount, Haunted House on the outskirts of Mount Diablo

Fitness Level: 6/10

Adrenaline Rush: 10/10


On location hiking sticks made from bamboo were provided and from previous experience I would urge everyone to take the opportunity to bring one on the hike. It comes in handy when you have to manoeuvre the trails in the hills as it gives you constant support plus it makes a nice keepsake to take home and place in a vase as decoration. Since my first encounter with hiking I can safely say I have become an addict. The smell of the forest, the sound of the wild birds in the trees, looking out for a river or waterfall, identifying trees but most of all I became one with nature. It relaxes me and takes my mind from the world that exist literally since you lose your phone signal for hours and no contact can be made with the rest of the world.

The trail started out very steep, constantly up hill and I began to question my own ability to complete the hike. Who wouldn’t? Can you imagine over 1km of uphill, rocky and sometimes slippery ground in the scorching sun? It was a true test of endurance but as always I do not begin anything I did not plan to finish so I continued with the hope that in time it will level off. Just in case it didnt I remembered seeing this parked at the beginning of the trail:


So I was in good hands if I passed out. :)


Water and Fruits stops could be found along the trail and I collect papayas and a bottle of water, took a few minutes to get my chippies banana chips out and continued. Now this was what I was expecting, the trail had levelled off quite nicely around the bend and this was when I began to start enjoying the hike.

Challenges would occur after we passed the 3km point as while taking the 3km picture I realized I heard hikers above me in the bushes and the face I made was enough to signal to my friends that another hill would be approaching very soon. Sure as faith we got to a corner and I was a bit apprehensive to speak as looking up at the steep hill did not do much for my motivation level at all. I remember asking the tour guide if this was the same trail that we would be using to return from the hike and he replied yes. YES it was and a smirk suddenly grew on my face. At any point I was not able to go any further I could just wait by the way side and they will take me down. How easy would that be? So with that thought I continued walking.  To be honest if the hike had began in the early morning my challenges would have been less but the trail did not offer much shade and at that time only a slight breeze could have been felt.


Another water stop after that gruelling hill was a must and this time we received more fruits and coconut water in bags. We didn’t hang around much as we were told the trail levelled off and only small inclines we would encounter until we got to the haunted house. This was exactly what I needed to hear so I began hiking once more. The conversations hikers had while hiking can be very interesting, one that stood out in my mind was a young girl around twenty-five and her partner around the same age caught up to us and while passing the young lady said to him “ I am enjoying this hike less and less because it is too dirty” her partner replied“Just relax and try and enjoy it” then he held her hand and they continued. I couldn’t resist the urge to laugh. No I did not laugh for them to hear but you will agree it is funny she said it was dirty. Well she was right as there were lots of rotting leaves, plants growing in the middle of the tack and the dirt was disturbed by the vehicles that were transporting the items for the rest stop and our lunch to the final destination. Yes she was right but my question is “ What do you expect on a hike or better yet an event that is entitled FOREST TREK?”. HELLO  She surely made my day.

This is an elderly lady who took her time until she completed the hike.


IS THE END NEAR? (sniffing)

Getting to the 4km and 5km was easy breezy the only delay we encountered was listening to a tour guide talk about the different plants that were labelled. Mr. Francis was very knowledgeable and he had a group of hikers that stayed close to him, while he moved from plant to plant.  

The growl from my tummy signalled I could no longer delay lunch and while looking out for the 6km and the 7km marks we heard music. Music on a hike signalled the end is near, Food is near, Kick off your sneakers spread out on the ground relaxation is near and we hastily moved to the direction of the music  to join the rest of the hikers to collect lunch.

Lunch was great, after all that walking anything in a box would be a joy to my tastebuds so after lunch I rested a bit under a tree; well just enough so I could begin the 7km back to reality. The haunted house sat on the hill overlooking the lunch tent however I never liked haunted movies so why should I visit a haunted house? Fear of seeing or hearing anything that would render me unable to sleep for days was enough to prevent me from exploring. Thirty minutes into our rest we packed up, cleaned up our garbage and started our journey back, this time knowing what to expect so it was no surprise when we got to the end of the trail and was now back on asphalt heading to board the bus that would take us back to the city.


Another hike covering a new trail done was the thought I had as the busses pulled out from Alpart. It felt good to have covered 14km, I completely forgot to count the calories but most of all I just did a new trail, met some great people and built some great memories with my hiking partner. While manoeuvring the tracks I remembered thinking, isn’t this what life is all about? This was a new trail, I did not know what to expect , much like life. I had to deal with the challenges as they came along, much like life. There were additional challenges cause by external factors that could not be controlled, much like life meaning while facing the unknown of the hike the sun was also a challenge that could not be controlled. The hills were steep and seemed to have no ending but when you least expected it the trail levelled off, much like life it has it ups and down. So nature is always teaching us something important and it is for us to see and understand what is been taught.

 So until my next hike I say peace out. Ouch my legs… Back to bed.









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