Whatsapp Did WHAT?

Dear whats-app,

I am very upset. I was also a BBM lover in the past but disliked when it was announcing that i read my messages and did not respond. Some messages did not require a reply, some you have to give more thought, some you want to act like you are busy others needed an immediate block...

Anyways, when i found out the level of privacy you allowed users i was impressed. Then you upgraded and allowed me the flexibility to not have my contacts know the last time i was online i was blown away. Now you asked me to upgrade and you did this to me?

I am already getting annoyed with these messages "i know you read my message, please reply". Whats up with the "blue ticks" whats-apps? Since you asked me to upgrade Please allow me to "DEgrade" (REVERT) to the last version i had. Please.

Please take note that you have now being officially classified as an "informer" and that is not a compliment.


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