In this article we will explore the race, ethnicity, heritage, culture and identity of the current US Vice President as she embarks on her quest to be identified as the first Black and Indian female President of the United States of America. We seek to determine if that would be an accurate representation based on US definitions and criteria.

kamala harris kente cloth


The article also contains a previous statement from her Dad, Professor Donald J. Harris accusing her of bringing shame on their family by "Pursuing Identity Politics" for political gain at the expense or detriment of others. As of the date of this article, I could find records of her father claiming to be a descendant of a renowned Irish slave owner in Jamaica, Hamilton Brown, but could not find any records of any of her parents claiming to be of negroid or sub-Saharan African descent, which is the criteria for being Black or African American in the America. It is important to have evidence of this if we are to record anyone as making history to be the first of any race or ethnicity to do or be something.

black african american definition

We should explore what it means to be defined as Black in the US and then seek answers to questions such as…

Can she legitimately, identify as Black or African American:
1. Based upon the US census and their criteria for identifying races and ethnicities?
2. Based on the race of herself and parents documented on her US Birth Certificate?
3. Because she or her relatives have melanated (“colored”) skin?
4. Because she attended an HBCU? (Historically Black College or University?
5. Because she joined Black clubs or organizations?
6. Because she wears apparel that are associated with Africans?
7. Because she has a parent that was either born in or became a naturalized citizen of another country that just so happens to have a majority of its population of African descent? If her father was born in a majority Caucasian country, would he be considered Caucasian?

Senators Kente Cloth

We should question, Why her Mother, Father and herself never documented themselves on US documents as Black or African American? We should also ask why a full blooded Indian from South India classified her race as a Caucasian on a US Birth Certificate. Can this be legally done by any citizen without proof or being found guilty of falsifying a US government document? The video below sheds more light on the evolution of Kamala's identity and the validity of her claims.

The national debate over the ethnicity of the current Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris, has taken center stage, especially since Donald J. Trump, her opponent in the current US Presidential election, answered a question about her ethnicity in a manner that revealed his uncertainty, because of her historically identifying as Indian or of South Indian descent all her life and then recently switching to identify as "Black," once she was considered to be in contention to be the first Female Vice President of America and now first female President of America. She is now under fire for being disingenuous and taking advantage of identity politics for political gain.

kamala harris hbcu

Her critics considered this to be a political move to garner much needed Black supporters to help the Democratic Party to win the election and gain control of the White House.This article takes a closer look to ascertain if Kamala Harris and her sister can claim to be Black, or a race other than Indian, based upon the criteria of the US Census, terminology and criteria. In the video below, Judge Joe Brown shared what he knew about her.

If you research the term Black, you would come to find that it has many definitions. You will also come to find that it is not defined by your parent being from the country of Jamaica, attending an HBCU or wearing any garment with African prints. 


 harris family tree

It is documented that the father of Kamala Harris, Donald J. Harris is Jamaican. Because of his nationality, it is being assumed that he is of negroid or African descent. African American is the ethnic category that the United States uses to define humans they also label to be Black. They use that term interchangeably with the word Black, which is more representative of a color or skin tone of a percentage of melanated humans.


kamala harris parents

 Black is not a nationality, ethnicity or race. We truly need to move away from the use of that word to define a race, nation or people. There are melanated Chinese, Hispanics and Indians that look just like the current Vice President and her relatives.

kamala harris dad  A melanated Indian is not considered Negroid. Kamala looks like her Dad which also looks like a melanated Indian. Her Dad's Mom also looks like a melanated Indian. He has also claimed a Caucasian bloodline via Hamilton Brown which was a renowned Irish slave owner in Jamaica. Being Jamaican does not mean you are of African descent.You can be of Indian, Irish or Caucasian descent. The motto of Jamaica is out of many one people. Being a Jamaican does not mean you are Black or of African descent.  Jamaican is a nationality, not ethnicity.

kamala with paternal grandmother

 African American descent is what America has chosen to use to define the ethnicity of the Negroid Race. Africa is made up of many countries and many ethnicities. Therefore the term African American does not accurately identify nationality or ethnicity. We have to be more specific than that.
kamala grandmother beryl finegan

 Should we be using the term Black or African to denote the race of a person? Should we be using the term African American to broadly define the Negroid race in America, which are indigenous not only to America, but to continents other than Africa?

oscar joseph harris

 America categorizes African descent as meaning anyone from sub-Saharan Africa (South of the Saharan Desert) or the Caribbean islands that are descendants of ancestors linked to the slave trade. If you use the Negroid race as a criteria to define what America categorizes as Black, then the Vice President should not be defined or identified as Black, Negroid or of African descent by these parameters, if she cannot prove that either of her parents are of the Negroid race or are of African descent. She is yet to provide evidence of that. Both of her mother's parents are of South Indian descent, so until we know for sure what is the genealogical make up of her Father, we cannot determine if he has a negroid (not melanated) bloodline, that links him to descendants of slaves from sub-Saharan Africa, or the slave trade between Africa and the Americas which also includes the Caribbean Islands.

kamala mother grandfather

More important than the color of your skin is your history, heritage, culture and your upbringing. This characteristics, shape your thoughts and behavior for the rest of your life. It dictates the principles and values that govern your life and is the foundation of your identity.

kamala harris family tree

1. You can be a person of color, (melanated person) that identify as being Caucasian as seen on the Birth Certificate of Kamala Harris.
2. You can be raised in, culture, tradition and rituals that are starkly different from Negroid descendants, as in the case of Kamala Harris.
3. You can choose to have a Jewish husband with Jewish children, as in the case of Kamala Harris.
4. You can choose to embrace the greater percentage of your genealogical make up as your ethnicity, as in the case of Kamala Harris.
5. What we should not attempt to do is erase the greater percentage of your genealogical make up or identity to identify as something other, for personal benefit, political advantage, to get elected or to make history, as in the case of Kamala Harris. You can be deemed guilty of identity politics.

 kamala harris father slams her

harris rebuke 1

harris rebuke 3harris rebuke 3

It is my sincere hope that you were presented with enough information to do your own research. Hopefully our perspectives and understandings will subsequently intersect at the same cross road.


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