Value of Singleness

Value of Singleness

value of singleness

My Beautiful One

I wanted to continue the conversation we started the other night – ie. The Value of Singleness

Yes I am single, and I want you to believe me when I say that I am ok with that.  I have come to understand that the purpose of this season is to move me into higher consciousness. I’ve used the time to get to really know me, to get to a place where I am truly ok with the person that I am. To understand that I am the giving - caring – nurturing – introvert and empath, who need not be ashamed of her true nature. 

 I just need to make better choices – and to be those things to myself first before being so to any other. 

However, I am not perfect and I have some areas that need work – some dark corners that I need to go into with a good broom and sweep the dirt out from.

I understand the value of my singleness - and I understand that I am meant to be here now and that this season of singleness may or may not change, and if it does it will change when I have truly learned the lessons intended for me during this period.

Over this Season, there have been a number of relationship lessons that I’ve faced. This period so far has taught me lessons about who I am and what type of love will satisfy my soul.  I have been through excruciating heartbreak and misery which have served me well by showing clearly what I don’t want.  The Single Season is affording me the time to truly get to understand what I do want.

Then along comes my Beautiful One as if to confirm that what I want is in fact attainable. 

You have taken me into uncharted waters. I have met someone who stirs my soul, someone who has shown me that it’s fine to be vulnerable.  It’s ok to show my true nature and allow all that I hide deep within to come to the surface.  With no judgement you accept the real me and where you see areas for improvement, your advice is solid yet gentle. Your calm spirit resonates with mine - like no other has before.   Opening up is not something I do easily, and although I know you will say that I still hold back, please understand that it is a process – and will only get better as I continue to grow into this higher self.


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