11 years ago a vision was launched on the 11th day of the 11th month in the 11th year after the year 2000. The root of that cause was to empower others by teaching them how to fish and how to share or create a legacy. A legacy from our view is anything you create for the benefit of others.

Some may have been familiar with the Facebook group What Did Blue Do For You, before it was changed to Blue Memoirs. Some may be familiar with JCSAHS Alumni, the Legacians, DoDaBlue, DaBlue Pages etc.

On the 11th anniversary on 11/11/2022, all previous links will begin to merge over the next 11 months to link all that our content creators have created over the last 11 years under “One Domain” to rule them all. MyPageLink.

Many thanks and much love to all our creators, your creations have impacted millions of readers around the world.

If you write, speak or produce original content, you can submit them to Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.

Cheers 🥂 to the double elevens (1111) and keep on creating.


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