Often as we approach our personal or professional goals, One may not realize that the moment you are about to break through to success, one of two things take place.
Instantly situations or scenarios may show up in the form of what appears to be failure or another opportunity to influence you to lose focus on your project by “waiving the proverbial temporary CASH CARROT”.... making a quick lick or buck. Take it from me.... the minute these things show up, I BESEECH you to #STAYTHECOURSE.
On more than one occasion, I’ve been a participating member of NOT STICKING TO #MYOWNCOURSE. Before I knew it #TIME and #LIFE kicked in, and suddenly I realize months, and years had gone by.
#HEARME clearly I understand needing capital to fund passion/dream projects….But FIRST ask yourself this question before you interfere with destiny’s schedule. Will the temporary cash be more of a reward than the#OVERALLsuccess of my #PROJECT? If at all possible, do #NOT allow the bumps and bruises of #LIFE to befuddle your DESTINY!
I am willing to bet that by now there should be a plethora of people who are supposed to be years into the experience of their DESTINY (to include me). However we’ve allowed the #ISSUES of #LIFE to#DISTRACT us. Now I know at the end of the day everything is at the BEHEST of GOD’s #WILL and his#TIMING always…. Always…trumps our PLANS.
Today I’m merely over emphasizing to you that you#MUST place #BLINDERS on the #RIGHT and #LEFT sides of your temples and GO GET what’s#RIGHTFULLY yours. The burning desire to create anything, which benefits you, your family, the world, and even more so the #KINGDOM is worth a 1000% attention. I truly hope this post reminds someone of what their PURPOSE/PASSIONS are.... and if you aren’t already working your plan....Then take today to get #BACK on #TRACK. #ISPEAKINTO

Do Not Get Distracted
Rhonda P Hines