I dream from babble to bay




When we are conscious of a babble of noise within a dream it suggests that there is too much information for us to be able to sort out what is relevant. The significance comes from the story of the Tower of Babel when communication is said to have become impossible. Spiritually, babble has the added significance of perhaps ‘speaking in tongues’ – receiving information from a hidden source. Confusion in dreams usually alerts us to the need to categorize or sort out those things we do not understand.When we ourselves are babbling, we are not communicating properly; when others babble, we are not taking in information properly in everyday life. As babies are learning to speak, they tend to babble as first experiments, as though trying out language. Babbling in dreams has this same connotation. We perhaps need to speak out more clearly. Talking in your sleep seems to be the mind’s way of expressing suppressed material, or concerns that you have not been able to deal with properly.






Babysitting is an activity which crosses the divide between the spiritual and the physical. Spiritually it suggests the nurturing, caring side of the personality or that part which is ready to take responsibility for others. Viewed from a psychological perspective, babysitting in dreams suggests that there may be a part of our personality which has not yet matured fully and needs looking after. For many teenagers, babysitting is an ordinary,mundane activity and thus provides a dream scenario in which they can work out their attitude to other responsibilities in their lives. For others it may highlight their attitude to family responsibilities or to parenthood.

In a man’s dream, to be babysitting suggests an increase in responsibility which may not necessarily be family related, whereas in a woman’s dream it is more likely to be.



A bachelor or someone we know to be ‘footloose and fancy free’ appearing in a dream highlights the side of our personalities which prefers to have no particular ties.We are not tied down by mundane responsibility. We need to open up to the masculine side of ourselves in order to accomplish our destiny. Similar to the knight in tales of old, we

sometimes have to challenge the status quo in order to achieve a breakthrough of some sort. To dream of meeting a bachelor indicates that we are searching for freedom either within our emotions or in our love life. In a man’s dream it shows he may be wishing for the freedom to achieve something he might find difficult in partnership. In a woman’s dream it indicates she may be feeling constrained by a relationship. You may find further clarification in the section on Archetypes in the Introduction.




Spiritually, sometimes we have to turn our back on the past and reject the known. It will be up to you to decide which elements of the past need rejecting. In certain dreams the backbone – because it is the most stable part of our structure – signifies the Self. Backache in dreams, if not due to a physical cause, suggests that we are under some pressure, vis-à-vis a moral or spiritual issue. If we dream of turning our backs we are rejecting the particular feeling being experienced in the dream.There is a possibility that we are repressing our own urges or do not want to look at our inner feelings.We are in touch with the past and with memories. Intellectually we need to consider our firmness of character and recognize what has brought us to our present condition.

Dreaming of seeing someone’s back suggests we should identify the more private elements in our character or those around us.We may also find that we are vulnerable to the unexpected. If the backbone is particularly noticeable in the dream we need to consider our main support structure. You might like to consider the entries for Body and Stab.



To look back into the past can sometimes be detrimental, and at other times helpful. In dreams, to be looking or moving backwards may suggest that answers to our present dilemma lie in the past. Past behaviour patterns may not be appropriate. When she looked backwards, despite being warned, Lot’s wife was turned into a pillar of salt. To be looking back in dreams suggests that mentally we are not using our best faculties or are not looking to the future. To dream of going or walking backwards indicates that we may be withdrawing from a situation, or slow to learn from it. We may need to recognize that to continue in a particular situation will, at worst, stop ouprogress and, at best, impede it.




Spiritually, anything that is bad or decaying has finished a positive cycle and is entering a negative one.Whilst a perfectly natural process, we do well to acknowledge this and dreaming of a ‘bad thing’ enables us to move on. If we dream of food being bad, we are not taking sufficient care of our inner needs. A bad smell in dreams could mean that our environment is not supporting us. Bad as in bad behaviour suggests we are rebelling in some way. When we dream of something being bad we are being made aware that the dream object is now worthless or defective. Feeling bad can have two meanings: one in the sense of being naughty and the other not feeling right. We are off balance in some way.



TA badge signifies an emblem or insignia of office, an acknowledgement or reward for effort. Dreaming of such an object shows our need to be accepted, not just as ourselves, but also as part of a greater whole. A brooch also signifies an acknowledgement of value. We have been singled out for particular recognition, possibly because we have certain qualities. A badge can also have the same meaning as an amulet, a protective device against evil. To have our attention drawn to a badge makes us aware of our right to belong to a group. If a badge is recognizable in a dream we perhaps should try to assess what our feelings are about the organization or group involved. Brooches are often formed of precious or semi-precious gems and can impart a particular message.

You might like to consult the entries for Gems/Jewels, Keepsake and Jewellery.





A bag spiritually signifies the secret, the hidden and the occult. Long known as a symbol of femininity because of its association with the womb, it can also suggest intuitive wisdom. Occasionally it will suggest the elements of wind and air. Depending on the actual bag (e.g. a handbag, a shopping bag) and what is in it, we are probably hiding certain aspects of ourselves from public consideration. To be emptying a bag suggests that we are attempting to get rid of old concepts or ideas or other aspects which may be holding us back. To have lost a bag signifies that we have temporarily suppressed certain

character traits. You may be having problems with the more feminine elements in your identity such as compassion or nurturing. There is an ability to use the social graces to achieve, and to cope with whatever occurs. A torn or broken bag may alert you to a health problem or to there being too much to deal with. Whereas previously men carrying bags were seen as effeminate, this is no longer the case, so in dreams a man carrying a bag can symbolize his attitude to his responsibilities. In a woman’s dream a bag is more likely to represent her inner feelings.




Feelings of sorrow or of being overburdened can manifest in dreams as baggage. The type of baggage will be important, bulky suitcases being less easily dealt with than a simple bag. The spiritual implication is that you are perhaps holding on to inherited or learned ideas, beliefs and concepts which are for you no longer valid. You are under some psychological stress and may have to decide that some projects or feelings can be left behind in waking life.When you have been carrying luggage or baggage in a dream and find it has disappeared, you have successfully dealt with the problem.

To be carrying extra baggage in a dream suggests that you may be carrying an extra load, either emotional or practical. You are expecting too much of yourself or of others and are carrying past hurt or trauma, possibly from as far back as childhood. For further clarity consult the entry for Luggage.




TThe bailiff in dreams signifies retribution, Karma or a backlash of some kind. Our integrity is being called into question. We have put ourselves at risk and have not fulfilled our obligations, or have not acted in an ethical manner. Unless we take responsibility for what we have done, we could be ‘punished’ by material loss and loss of status. When a bailiff appears in our dream, we doubt our own ability to manage our resources, both emotional and material. We are aware that we have overstepped the mark in a particular way and must be accountable to a higher authority. You may also like to consult Authority Figures in People for further clarification.



Spiritually, when we are strong enough, we must ‘tempt’ negativity in some way in order to trap and ultimately control it. There is an aspect of our lives which needs bringing out into the open. We have to coerce that part of ourselves that is failing to co-operate into making progress. There is some kind of enticement which has to take place. Baiting an animal in dreams suggests a degree of cruelty which needs addressing. If we are laying bait then the implication is that we are, at least in part, aware of the problem. If the bait is already in position then it is a warning to be careful.  In a woman’s dream, putting down bait can be an indication of her doubts about her own ability to attract a partner. She may feel that she has to entrap or ensnare a partner. In a man’s dream the more practical side recognizes the need to capture an elusive idea or concept.




Since baking is a creative act, combining ingredients to make something new, it suggests the Creative Urge. As a baker knows his craft, in dreams he may be seen as an aspect of the Higher Self. The bakery in dreams represents a dedicated area or sacred space. Our creative ability may need to be enhanced or lightened in order for us to achieve success. If the ingredients we use seem strange or bizarre, we may need to transform our mindset vis-à-vis what we are doing in ordinary life. We all have within us the ability to alter our approach or attitude to situations in our lives. Dreaming of a baker alerts us to this ability, of a bakery, to changes to our environment, and of baking, the methods we must use. If a woman dreams of baking she will recognize this as her need to nurture. By and large in the case of a man he may be dealing with his own professionalism. You might like to consult the entries for Cooking, Food and Oven.



Spiritually, balance represents fairness and impartiality. To be thrown off balance suggests that we have received a sufficiently bad blow or emotional shock for us to lose that impartiality. Balanced scales are a representation of the zodiac sign of Libra. This suggests an equilibrium between two polarities – often man’s higher and baser nature. Justice – and, therefore, a balanced viewpoint – is symbolized by the scales. To have the feeling that we are looking for the balance of a quantity of goods indicates we have more mental assets than we had first realized and need to start using them.

When we dream of trying to maintain our balance or of being balanced in a difficult position, we are searching for stability.To dream of searching for the balance in a financial account means we are looking for something which, at present, remains unrecognized and unknown.  In terms of spiritual progression in both men’s and women’s dreams, a representation of balance suggests an equilibrium between masculine and feminine qualities. You may also like to consult the entries for Scales and Zodiac.



When we dream of being raised above the ground in some way, we are beginning to recognize our spiritual competence or progression. There is perhaps an element of danger or arrogance in such a position. Psychologically we are searching for power within a situation in which we feel powerless. To dream of being on a balcony suggests that we are searching for a higher status than we have at present. To dream of being underneath a balcony indicates that we are aware of other people’s need for status. At the same time we may be hiding from our own responsibilities. In a man’s dream, being on a balcony suggests an awareness of his need for status. In a woman’s dream this suggests a degree of protection. In both it can represent the need for far-sightedness.



Priests used to shave their heads to show they had nothing to hide. Before it became simply fashionable in today’s world to be bald, baldness in a dream signified the attainment of spirituality with its attendant humility, and signified honesty. To dream of being bald when we normally have hair can be somewhat ambiguous. It suggests a loss, usually of intellectual prowess, but can also symbolize intelligence.

To dream of someone who is bald when they normally have hair suggests we are being made aware of a degree of dullness in life. Many men nowadays choose to shave their heads when they are losing their hair and are taking a practical step to deal with a problem. In a man’s dream, therefore, when he is bald it will have less of an emotional impact than it will when a woman finds herself in that position.

Consult the entries for Hair and Head in Body and Hat/Cap in Clothes.




The figure of a ballerina is dreamlike in waking life, so in dreams a ballerina symbolizes music, fluidity and the inner aspect of spiritual feeling.We are aware of the creative side of ourselves and the need for controlled movement, yet in some ways it is separate from us.We are in touch with the expressiveness of our own inner being.


Ballerina/Ballet Dancer 81


The fairylike appearance of the classical ballerina within a dream shows we are making a connection with the creative energy within. Also we are searching for balance and poise. Modern ballet is a powerful medium with which to signify emotion, so in a man’s dream a male ballet dancer will represent his more powerful emotions, whereas a ballerina is more likely to suggest his Anima. In a woman’s dream, however, the male dancer might suggest the Animus, while the ballerina suggests the more elusive side of her personality.


You might like to consult the entries for Dance and Theatre.






A balloon has a similar connotation as the sphere and the ball from a spiritual perspective but with the added symbolism of ‘light spirited’ joy, or indeed the spirit rising. Thus an ascending balloon – whether it is child’s or hot-air – suggests that you may be making some kind of transition in your life. Balloons were once made of pig’s bladders and were used by the court jester to lighten up the atmosphere around the king and to remind him that he was human. In dreams they may introduce a note of fun amid seriousness. A descending balloon suggests that there is a situation in life in which you need to be grounded and practical. Very often it is the colour of balloons in our dreams which are important. The number of balloons may also be significant, indicating a party mood or a celebration. A deflating or deflated balloon suggests that the energy has run

out of a particular project. Consult the entries for Colour and Numbers for further clarification.




TMan is symbolized by the bamboo, inherently perfect yet able to be pliant – to bow before the storm. The bamboo also signifies gracefulness and friendship. In China, the seven-knotted bamboo denotes the seven stages of initiation undergone before becoming an adept.  Intellectually, bamboo represents good breeding, long life and a fulfilling old age. On top of that, it highlights the ability to yield when under pressure. The pliability of bamboo indicates yielding but enduring strength. It is used as a cure in Feng Shui (the art of placement) because it is fast-growing, sturdy and will thrive in a variety of conditions. It will now have gained much of that significance in dreams.


In both male and female dreams the bamboo plant can suggest androgeny.

Also consult the entry for Androgen/Androgeny.



The banana generally symbolizes fertility and fecundity, but can also suggest sensuality. At one time it would have suggested the exotic. In conjunction with other fruit, it can be taken to mean fertility or sustenance – a bunch of bananas signifies a good harvest. Green bananas means a plan has not yet come to fruition.

Most dreams about fruit are to do with sexuality or the harvesting of past actions. Conventionally, the banana, because of its shape, signifies the penis. However, it is also considered, because of its yielding nature, to represent the correct management of masculine sexuality. Other circumstances of the dream will enable you to make a full interpretation. A single banana is more likely to be interpreted by a man in terms of the penis whereas a woman may interpret the same symbol as a caring (nurturing) action. Consult the entries for Food and Fruit.



Dreaming of a band as a group of musicians suggests harmony within the Self. All parts of the personality are integrated. If the image of a band is that of a stripe, there is some limitation within your circumstances which needs to be recognized, and you may need to work within well-defined guidelines. There is harmony on a psychological level which you can access.

However, this requires practice and imagination. A band of material or stripe may be highlighting a division between two parts. If, however, the image is that of a group of musicians, this would indicate the need for teamwork.

Also consult the entries for Orchestra/Orchestrate and Music/Rhythm.



Bandages in dreams can signify preservation – as with the bandages of a mummy – as well as healing. It is likely that an aspect of your life needs caring attention. We may have been made sick or uncomfortable by a difficulty within our lives and need to pay attention to our ability to be healed. If the bandage is coming or being taken off we may have overcome the difficulty, or we may have been careless. If a bandage is being applied in a dream this shows the beginning of a healing process. There may be hurt feelings or emotional injuries which need attention. The area that is being bandaged may give information as to what the problem is.

For further clarification, read the section on Body and also the entries on Doctor,

Hospital and Operation.





A bank suggests a secure space, where our spiritual resources are stored and increased with effort. It may also signify a place where an exchange of energy or power takes place. The banker represents the controlling, knowledgeable part of ourselves and thus our right to have personal management of our spiritual assets. Our internal resources need to be available to us in such a way that we have energy in reserve. Our emotional resources, such as self-confidence, social ability and wisdom, are secure, although there may be some insecurity over the actual management of those resources. Money and personal resources tend to be the things with which most people have difficulty. In our everyday life our financial, mental or spiritual resources may need careful management from a professional perspective.Our sense of security, without which it is difficult to venture into the world, needs to be properly managed and monitored. Our need for an authority figure to help us deal with problems that arise are usually symbolized by the banker or bank manager in dreams. In a woman’s dream a banker may represent a type of father figure and the bank, depending on her own inherent personal abilities, a secure space. A man’s dream is more likely to depict his own relationship with the material world.



To dream of going or being bankrupt suggests that we have lost or cut ourselves off from a source of spiritual energy.  Formerly, going bankrupt carried a great deal of stigma. Such a dream, therefore, highlighted our fears and doubts about our own abilities. In today’s climate where there is less disgrace, dreaming of bankruptcy simply indicates a problem that needs to be dealt with – not necessarily a financial one. Since bankruptcy signifies a lack of the necessary resources, we will need to look at circumstances around us that reflect this state of mind.


A common standard of spiritual behaviour might be expected by those who gathered under a king’s or knight’s banner. A banner in dreams has this connotation and can also suggest a message to be put across to others. Psychologically we may adopt – or need to adopt – some kind of crusade or special cause. We need to know we have a common cause to fight for which is organized and specific. If the banner in the dream is a commercial one, such as a street, advertising or protest type, it represents the need to have something, which we may previously have ignored or rejected, brought to our attention. If the banner is an old fashioned one – as used in medieval battles – it indicates a need to consolidate thoughts and actions.

You might like to consult the entry for Flag for further clarification.





Baptism is symbolic of many things: initiation, death and rebirth, regeneration and renewal. A rite of passage, baptism can signify acceptance by a group of people with specific knowledge. The method of baptism in the dream is also significant: water suggests cleansing, fire purification and air or wind renewal of the spirit. When a ceremony or ritual signifies new beginnings, our way of thought needs to change in line with what we now know to be true.We can ascribe to a common belief. To dream of being baptised indicates a new influence entering our lives, cleansing away old attitudes and opening up to many inner possibilities. To dream of baptising someone means you are ready to pass on knowledge to other people.


Also consult the entry for Rite/Ritual and Spiritual Imagery in the Introduction.



Since strength is a feature of any bar, such an image becomes the symbol of our spiritual power, and power in everyday life. Interpretations can vary; a blockade, for instance, prevents us from wrong action, whereas a public house suggests a relaxed atmosphere and attitude. An iron bar suggests that we should look at how rigid or aggressive we are being in our behaviour.To be standing at a bar may represent a barrier to our sexual enjoyment or an awareness that we should preserve the status quo in our lives. We need to handle ourselves with strength of purpose and are seeking acceptance from our peer group in some aspect of everyday life. In a man’s dream an iron bar might suggest an assertive nature, whereas in a woman’s dream it is more likely to signify aggression or to have sexual connotations.




The barb is traditionally the fork that the Devil carried with him, with which to goad us into action. Sometimes seen as the trident, it can represent the trinity of body, mind and spirit. Barbed wire might be seen as an entanglement which is not appropriate. Intellectually, there are two potential meanings. Firstly, we are trying to be too smart. Equally we may be trying to force other people to do something they do not want to do. A barbed comment is one which is specifically designed to hurt the recipient and can take on this physical representation of a barb or barbed wire in dreams. To be surrounded by barbed wire in a dream indicates that we are being prevented from moving forward by either our own, or others’, hurtful remarks. In both men’s and women’s dreams a barb can suggest aggressive male sexuality, whereas barbed wire is more likely to represent the legendary ‘vagina indentata’ or all-devouring female.



The old idea that one’s spiritual power was held in the head gives rise to the idea that a barber signifies control of spiritual strength.  An influence is becoming more apparent in our lives which indicates a need for change. That change needs to be dictated by the way we perceive ourselves, rather than dictated by an outsider. When we dream of visiting a barber we are considering a change of attitude, thought or opinion about ourselves.



In spiritual terms, any barrier suggests a division between two states, e.g. the spiritual and the mundane, or the physical and emotional. The implication is that it has been placed there for a purpose, to alert us to a duality. As a barrier signifies an obstacle to be overcome, or a difficulty to be recognized, the nature of the barrier and our reactions will clarify any action that needs to be taken. In our most vulnerable emotional states we may need some sort of buffer between us and the rest of the world. If the barrier is a safety barrier we perhaps need to stop and consider our actions. To run into a buffer may indicate the need for caution. It suggests a parameter beyond which there is danger.



Spiritually, base material suggests crudeness and the unformed – something which has not yet taken shape. Our ‘basic instincts’ may be brought into play, requiring that we go back to original material. To dream of base material or metal indicates that we are dealing with something that is not of the best quality and needs refining in some way. If our attention is drawn to the base of an object we may need to go back to the starting point of a project in which we are involved in waking life. We should consider how stable we are in any situation. You might like to read the entry for Foundations.






Baskets traditionally represent the seasons. A full one, for instance, is full fruition and abundance, a time of harvesting. As a container, a basket can also represent the feminine closing or receptive principle. To be attempting to fill a basket can mean that we are trying to increase our talents and abilities. Somehow we feel we do not have ‘enough’. If the basket is full of bread it can represent sharing – as in a sacramental meal. If the contents are spilt, it signifies the possible failure of a venture or sometimes the premature ending of a project. Because of its connection with the feminine, in a man’s dream a basket can suggest domesticity or his caring nature. In a woman’s dream, if she finds the basket heavy, she may be finding her responsibilities a burden.



A flying bat can represent discernment or obscurity of a spiritual kind. The meaning is often ambiguous, but being a nocturnal animal usually veers towards the negative interpretation. The vague unpleasantness may also suggest some idiosyncrasy within ourselves. A bat used in sports has the same interpretation as a weapon or tool. To dream of bats attacking us shows the need to confront our fears of madness. Because of their mouse like bodies and birdlike wings, bats are seen as having a dual nature. When the image is of a sports bat, such as cricket or baseball bat, the suggestion is that we are not able to use implements without some kind of training.To dream of using such a bat indicates a learnt degree of competence. Because popular belief has it that bats are frightening, to dream of bats indicates that there are thoughts and ideas within the unconscious that may reveal themselves with frightening potential. Dreaming of a cricket bat or other such implement will give an indication of our attitude to controlled aggression, or to how we deal with external forces. You might like to consult the entries for Mouse in Animals, Birds, Games, Tools, Vampire and Weapons.



From a spiritual perspective, any dream where water is involved suggests an act of cleansing or initiation. Communal bathing depicts innocence and sensuality combined. When we dream of bathing someone, it shows the need to nurture or to have an intimate connection with another person.We may have knowledge which can help or heal. When we dream of being in the bath, it may indicate the need for cleansing of some old feelings, the need to relax, to let go. We have an opportunity to contemplate what has occurred in the past and to adopt new attitudes. To be wearing a bathing costume denotes a degree of permitted exposure.

For many women a bath can be a relaxing time of contemplation and can, therefore, have that significance in dreams. For men, it is more likely to be functional and, therefore, a time of planning. You might like to read the entries for Swimming,Washing and Water.



Symbolic of spiritual authority and rhythm, the baton is a tool to enable us to proceed in an orderly manner, under the control of a higher authority. A musical conductor’s baton suggests this interpretation. If the dream is of a drum baton or stick, the dream may represent the need for self-expression in a more forceful way than normal. A baton such as those used in relay races is representative of the passing on of information or responsibility. This, of course, returns it to its original meaning, more pertinent to dreams. If the dream is of a police baton, then it can represent authority or male sexuality and our attitudes to them.  In a woman’s dream the baton can suggest perfect timing, whereas in a man’s dream it is more likely to suggest authority.



A battery symbolizes both power and energy. To dream of a battery running out of power suggests that there may be a health problem as yet unrecognized. As there are now so many different types of battery, ranging from tiny transistor types to large cells, the interpretation will vary somewhat. Largely, however, a battery is seen as a source of power. More mundanely, we may be having a problem in finding the energy to complete a project and need to find a different source of inspiration. In both men and women’s dreams, since the principle is one of a balance of positive and negative, a battery can suggest the libido or the driving force.



The wolf baying at the moon shows the overcoming of basic animal instincts. The bay tree or leaves signify victory, eternity and immortality. To be keeping something at bay indicates a need to be on our guard – on some level we are feeling threatened.

Traditionally to be conscious of a bay or inlet showed an awareness of a woman’s sexuality and receptiveness. Since water signifies emotion, a bay or inlet can also represent a significant emotional connection with feminine energy.  In dreams the mind frequently gives us images that clarify our attitude to ourselves and our everyday lives. For a man, entering a bay or inlet touches on the ancient myth of Jason and the Argonauts and their search for something attainable only with difficulty. For a woman, a bay or inlet suggests her secret and private self.





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