My Thoughts As I Close My Eyes
Lunch Time Meditation
November 18, 2014 @ 10:50 a.m.
My Thoughts Right Now as i am about to close my eyes...
Never take any second of your day for granted.
Never take those who love you for granted
Never take yourself for granted. go out and make use of the seconds you are given and ensure that when the hours are counted you made a positive impact on someones life. it is through these simple selfless actions that we receive our many blessings.
Never harbor evil thoughts of what you wished could happen to those who have done you wrong. Forgiveness isn't always easy. I know it all too well but try to replace your anger and evil thoughts with kind words wishing your offender all the best in their future endeavors and then rejoice because if they had lingered longer in your life it could have resulted in more harm to you.
Never assume others have it easier than you do. We all have our struggles. Sometimes the people around us who are struggling never show it yet they are always the ones to offer even when they have nothing to give. Have you ever noticed our grand parents or elders who barely can survive from day to day are always extending a hand to others? Life is always a cycle so be careful what you do and say to others especially strangers. Always remember it will have consequences at a later date. Learn to hold your tongue. Retain bad words and digest it. Let it burn your throat.
Never lack confidence in yourself. Lack of confidence will limit you from enjoying life. Find a way to build up your confidence so that you can enjoy whatever you want to do without worrying about what others think. Empty barrels makes the most noise so people will always have something to say about you. bottom line, whose life is it? Who does it affect/limit? ONLY YOU so don't shy away from the opportunity to explore new jobs and experience new places. We make plans but few are often made a reality. Start living out those dreams before it is too late. We often wait on the death of a loved one before we acknowledge that we are just visitors here on this earth.
LOVE and keep loving. Don't limit yourself from loving. It is in failed relationships we learn about ourselves and others. We learn more about ourselves; knowing what we want and don't want. When we restrict ourselves from what we desire it makes us unhappy and it is this unhappiness that spills over in our everyday lives which some of us are not even aware of.
Dont make it a habit to always want to know what is happening in the lives of others. You know yoru intention is not to help but to riducle and cast judgments. You know you do not wish the person well yet you linger on their page and wait for your moment to laugh and rejoice. Again life is a cycle. Ever wondered why the persons who you are waiting to fail are constantly failing yet on the move and you remain stagnant? you keep sending them blessings and strength so every time they fail they get up and try again. Every blessing you were to receive they are getting them. Think about it.
Be good to everyone you meet. Not because it is the right thing to do but because it is how you want others to treat you in return. My life is a record of all my experiences. Some Good and Some bad. At the end of the day it will still be my life, my choices, my set backs, my experiences, my happiness; yes it will all be mine and i will be responsible for all of that. Not my mother or father, sisters, brothers or children. Think about the choices you make, it is your life and only you have to right to decide and remember ...
(falls asleep. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz)