What Matters Most

what matters

This is a response to an argument that was made about voting for the lesser of two evils in any election cycle, as opposed to blindly voting down the ballot for a party. Prioritizing voting for policy over any personality should be the main takeaway from this article.The focus should therefore be on track records and proposed policies instead of appearance or popularity of candidates.

Biden recently suggested that Obama is the puppet master behind his Presidency and was the one that orchestrated the pressure for him to step down. Obama is yet to endorse the current Vice President of the nation Kamala Harris, stating that he is, "confident that the leaders of our party will create a process from which an outstanding leader emerges.” Suggesting that such an outstanding leader has not yet emerged. It certainly reveals a lack of confidence in the current Vice President that his Vice President chose to run the country in case something were to happen to the sitting President. Well now that something has happened to the sitting President, he is waiting for an extraordinary leader to emerge? Whether or not he eventually endorses her, it is already recorded in history that he didn't initially.

This reveals that Obama still has a lot of influence and was probably the puppet master behind Biden’s presidency as alleged. Obama and Biden belong to the same party and they have been close friends as expressed by both, as well as a political team over the last 16 years.

Since we are not absolutely clear on which one of them is really calling the shots, let me answer a question about voting for the lesser of two evils with some questions. Please bear in mind that the level of evil is constantly changing dependent on leader and party over the years, but let's focus on the last 16.

Which Party:
1. Mandated unknown and untested substances to be injected into the body of its citizens without informed inconsent or proof of safety and efficacy? Which party caused citizens to lose their homes, livihoods and lives, just because they did not consent?
2. Is poking the Bear, Russia 🇷🇺 a nuclear armed nation? Could this not lead to nuclear war?
3. Moved NATO closer and closer to the Russian border since 2014 under Obama’s presidency violating a longstanding treaty.
4. Blew up the Russian Nordstream pipeline under Biden’s presidency.
5. Lit the match that started the war in Ukraine, Syria and other parts of the world.
6. Siphoned off over 100 billion dollars to a foreign country, Ukraine, depleting the safety net of Americans and their Retirement funds to fight foreign wars the USA should never have triggered, while homelessness and starvation increases on their own soil?
7. Vetoed the ceasefire between Israel and Palestine and is allowing the genocide of the Palestinian people to continue?
8. Is poking the Dragon, China 🇨🇳 into another conflict that could result in war.
9. Destabilized Libya under Obama’s presidency and had Gaddafi, its sovereign leader killed?
10. Prioritized the rights of homosexuals, transgenders and individuals seeking to switch biological genders over the rights and protections of the melanated.
11. Prioritized the rights of Asians over the rights of the melanated, with the example of the COVID-19 Hate Crime Bill, ? In the 248 year old history of the United States, have we had a Hate Crime Bill for people of color?
12. For the last 4 years failed to pass H.R.7120 - George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2020?

Which party is responsible for the highest rate of inflation of the last 30 years?
 Which party is responsible for the highest rate of illegal immigration in the last 30 years?

 I could go on and on, but let me stop there. These are the issues that affect our lives and that of our loved ones.These are the issues that matter.


Which President over the last 30 years did not set out to destabilize another country or put Americans at risk by starting a new war to exploit the resources of another country in the 4 years of his Presidency? Which President did not do any of the things listed above? Regardless of what the news media is focused on, such as what he said or didn’t say, did or didn’t do, anyone with the slightest interest can research what he did do, before the PLANdemic derailed his Presidency. Look at inflation in the last year of his Presidency, despite a Global Pandemic and look at inflation in the first two years of Biden's Presidency.

Below is a link to an article written in 2019 documenting Trump’s accomplishments in his first two years in office, prior to COVID-19. We therefore have a track record to compare to any false narratives perpetually broadcasted by the mainstream news media, before, during and after his Presidency. If we were to only rely on the mainstream news media, we would be left with the impression that the 45th President of the USA, did absolutely nothing.

trump results


My concern is not about which President has the better head of hair, play golf better, talk better, walk better,dances better, falls less or is asking for his shoes after almost getting his head blown off, which to some, meant he must have staged his own attempt on his life, if he was asking for his shoes. I leave such matters and the host of mindless social issues and accompanying ridiculous commentary that creates division amongst Americans; to radical loonies that accuse others of being radical loonies and to those that want to major in the minors. If we allow any leader or any party to trigger a World War between nuclear armed countries, then wouldn’t that be the end of our cushy life, where everyone and their Mama seem to have an opinion about things that don't impact your personal life? Will you even be able to voice an opinion then? Will anything the 45th President said or didn’t say, did or didn’t do, matter? We have to be able to see through the smoke screen and evaluate which party has policies that is more likely to trigger World War 3 or prevent it, instead of evaluating who looks better, talks better, or sounds more Presidential.

This is why I am a proponent for assessing which leader or party is the lesser of the two evils. Once you come to realize that the two parties are two wings of the same bird you can attempt to slow down its agenda or stop it, by supporting the side that negatively impacts you and your loved ones the least in an election cycle.

Its time to stop drinking the poisonous koolaid or pledging full and utter allegiance to political parties as gang members do in gangs. We should also stop getting distracted with personalities and instead focus on legislation and policies that will positively or negatively impact your life, because if your life should ever be compromised, then nothing else matters, does it? To dissolve any confusion, focus on what matters most..


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