SO Murray
SO MurrayCreator

Mental Gymnastics

There is playful banter and there is what we call Mental Gymnastics, which is no paltry feat. It goes beyond playful banter into a jocular realm of double entendre and linguistic skills.

It requires a flexible mind that is willing to twist and bend beyond the norm and t is quite exhilarating when you can engage with others that can participate in such an excersise while observing the road code. This is just one of the reasons why I love the participating members of DaBlue Community. You are clever, witty and most of all, know how to drive down DaBlue Lane without causing injury to anyone.

It is such a pleasure to be able to take a break from reality with all of its dreary news and responsibilities and go to a place where I can laugh with familiar strangers that embrace you without judgment. As a teen I heard about an unattainable, luxurious and beautiful Xanadu, (funny enough while being a teen, I went to an awesome party at a house by that name; that’s true) but I must say that if I had a choice between the two, it would clearly be DaBlue. It is where I go to get relevant news laughs and identify with real issues and real folks like you.

So "Keep on keeping on" DaBlue. I really love what you do….

SO Murray


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