SO Murray
SO MurrayCreator

Back To Life

The loss of a loved one, especially one that is younger than you by less than two years, can invoke multiple emotions and unpredictable reactions. It is simply not the natural order of life. We expect the older to go first not the younger.

Since losing my younger sister to breast cancer a little over a year ago, I must admit that my trajectory, purpose and perspectives on life have been altered. Withdrawing into my shell gave me a well needed break from public or social life and certainly allowed me to start seeing things and people with more clarity. It has also renewed my visions and missions in life in a way that I no longer need to prematurely proclaim; but simply execute and let the results do the talking. It has also put a halt to me splintering myself into multiple pieces to please everyone but myself and conversely has finally made me start placing myself closer to the front of the line to receive the fruits of my own labor. 

 When our loved ones depart, we must see this as an indication of a completed mission or fulfilled purpose on their part, or I could also say path; and instead of mourning; celebrate their life, cherished memories and double down with renewed energy and encouragement to fulfill your purpose, build on what they have accomplished and complete your mission or journey within your appointed time. It's time to get "BACK TO LIFE. Your Life! My Life!
No human being in our world is duplicated, so likewise, no journey is. Your ultimate goal is to find your purpose and strive to complete your journey while you have breath and the sun shining on you, but also remember...
“If your accomplishments have benefitted no one other than yourself, then you have rendered your life worthless."
Have fun? Yes! Live your life? Yes! Pursue your desires? Yes; but bear in mind...
Your Life and Your Legacy are valued or measured by Your Enhancement of the lives of others.”  ~ Sydney O. Murray
SOM Reaching To Sky

SO Murray


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