Why I Became A Teacher Of Mathematics

He proceeded to take time give us a grounding in set theory and notation, sentence logic and predicate calculus.After nearly a term, we started the A Level topics, and the majority was registered to sit A Level Math along with the Upper Sixth. We had heard that the Upper Sixth had complained about teaching style, but we sensed that we were being led properly. For me, the satisfaction of success at 15 was immense. Some time later I confirmed that Lower Sixth had performed better than Upper Sixth.
Three of us worked with Sammy Cummings on the printing of the Mathematics Association of Jamaica newsletter in the summer of 1968.Of course, he learnt painfully that football is more important than schoolwork for even the most loyal student.

My own students when I taught Maths between 1972 and 1980, seemed to thrive on the mix of rigour and enthusiasm which I have been told I exhibited. They should thank Sammy Cummings. As Ibo Cooper said in a memorable class "We must not overlook our short comings". Of course, Sammy was not amused.

Written By:


Robert Kirkland Phillips

JC Alumnus

Blue Memoirs


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