My dearest, a decade has passed since 2003,
I must seize this momentousness to reflect on our intimate moments and the very first memory.
Yes… It was 10 years ago that I first laid eyes on you.
You captivated me with your looks and your charm and all I could see was I spending the rest of my life with you.
Oh… It all still feels so new.
You were curvy, you were sexy, and fulfilled all my desires.
I remember I could not wait to get inside of you and light all of your fires.
On our first ride… (I should probably call it our first date) you hugged me so tight.
Mmmm... You smelled so good, you felt so right.
If I were JJ on that classic sitcom “Good Times” I would say you are DYNAMITE!!!
Before then… Trust me… I did not believe in love at first sight.
Throughout the years you have had my back.
Through every bump in the road you comforted me and cut me some slack.
You have always been there for me through the snow, sunshine or rain.
I could always run to you in my darkest hour, in my anguish, in my pain.
On bright sunny days we would go up into the mountains to breathe in the fresh air or go by a river and allow nature to take its course.
On other days we would drive for miles and miles crossing state line after state line, it was like magic.... It was then I felt like we would never divorce.
Oh yes, I must confess that I have been through a few…
They were so fickle; they have come and gone like a cheap heel on a shoe.
But not you my Love, you came into my life to stay,
No nagging, no complaining, no major problems, just being good to me everyday.
What more can a man like me ask for I must say I am all out of wit
Let’s toast to the good thing we have going; “MAY YOU NEVER EVER QUIT”
To my One and Only Chevy on our 10th Anniversary.
Love You Always...
SO Murray
SO Murray