Have you ever heard the story about the young graduate of an Ivy League University. She told her graduating friends…
My man must have at least a PhD, with a house and a car that is at least equivalent or better than mine. He must have an upstanding family background and must be earning at least 6 figures per year.
When the lady got to 40, she told her best friend, I don’t care how much my man makes, it is not about the money, because I have my own money. I don’t even care if he has a house, but he must at least have a car and want to have children. I would love to have two, but I am willing to settle for at least one. Shoot… I don’t even care if he is Black, White or Latino.
By the time she got to 60, she had long since acquired her PhD and was more than accomplished in her extremely successful career. She was now thinking about comfortably retiring. All of her friends were not as accomplished as her, but was already married for at least 2O years and waiting eagerly for their kids to graduate college, some children were already successful adults in the working world.
One day, she got a call from her best friend Judith who was calling from overseas to check up on her. As she was hearing about Judith’s wonderful life, all the beautiful places she had visited and all the unforgettable memories she was creating with her hard workingman who never pursued a tertiary education, but who had the ambition to make something of himself; Rebecca finally broke her silence.
Judith to tell you the honest truth, right now, if I get a man, I don’t care about where he went to school, how much money he has or what he does for living; I don’t care about his family background or if he can father any children, hell… I am living comfortablly, have my own money and I can no longer have children, why would all those requirements matter.
Juds... I just need a man that I can talk to, to hold my hand as we go for a walk in the park, to be there by my bedside if I ever get sick, to call if I am ever stranded on the road somewhere to be a companion that would just sit and listen to me, he wouldn’t even have to say anything.
The conversation between the two best friends went on for about an hour and just before hanging up Rebecca said :
“Judith, to tell you the honest truth, all I need is a man that can at least read.”
Rebecca still did not get it...
Moral of this story?Don’t have a laundry list of expectations before you enter into a relationship.
You may be selling yourself short.
PS: Life is less complicated than we make it.
SO Murray