I haven’t been to Bible study in over 3 decades, but as I sat there listening to the message that was centered around the Habakkuk Chapter 2: 1-5; verses two and three jumped right out at me and I have memorized them since. Why? Because since of late, I have been getting nudges, prods and signs to create a vision board or simply to write my vision down and I don’t mean on an electronic tablet, phone or computer. I mean with a pen or marker on paper, so that it can be clearly seen and clearly read.
For me, the message was right on time and it cemented why I was having stronger and stronger feelings of using pen and paper instead of digital media to clearly right my vision down and keep it in a place that I can easily see it.
Subsequent to that Bible Study, another friend from the UK out of the blue called me and made me aware of a very rare total solar eclipse. This one was at the beginning of the Spring Equinox on March 20, 2015. She said, "Sydney, this is the beginning of a new season, it is a time for you to start anew. You may want to write your vision down…" Unbelievable! That made 3 recent occurences pointing me in the same direction.
Write The Vision
I was so tired after doing labor-intensive work yesterday that I fell asleep at around 8:30 PM. I so happened to wake up before the eclipse, which occurred in the wee hours of the morning approximately around 3:41 AM EST. Just before that moment I was able to finish writing with a pen on paper; the vision that I have for the remainder of my life. As I read the words, I had a transformative feeling. It left me feeling confident that I would accomplish all that I wrote.
Know What You Want
Recently doing business with someone who was at least 10 times more powerful than me, he was holding the handle and I the blade. After in a non-threatening way respectfully telling him, at the start of the negotiations that I would not be able to satisfy any of his demands, he turned and said to me, “Sydney what do you want?” I articulately told him in clear and precise language what I wanted. He surprisingly gave me everything I asked for and then some. We ended shaking hands laughing and wishing each other the best. My point? You have to clearly know what you want, before it can be granted to you.
Vison Board
On Tuesday March 17 another friend called, it was a while since I haven't heard from her. I told her about the significance of March 20th, the Total Solar Eclipse and The Spring Equinox. Without being aware of any of this, she exclaimed, "OMG! Sydney I already have a vision board party planned for this Saturday with my friends. I can't believe you are telling me this."
My message to you today March 20, 2015 is:
It is the season of spring and those that have reaped bountiful harvests will tell you, there is no better time for you to sow your seeds. Your seed is your vision, you must write it down clearly so that those who read it will help you bring it to fruition. This concept is no different from a child who wrote down that they wanted a shiny red bike, a parent or grandparent so happen to stumble upon it and viola! A shiny red bike appears on the child’s birthday or at Christmas. The foremost recipe for success is to clearly know what you want. That principle has not changed since childhood.
You have to first clearly know what you want, believe that it will be granted to you, chart your course, be totally prepared for journey, and put in the hard work and determination to reach your destination, because faith without works is dead. I heeded the words I heard and read. He who hath ears to hear, let him hear.
PS: If you are unprepared to reap your desired harvest, you may only receive what is deemed appropriate with your current situation or resources. If you hands are tightly bunched in a fist holding on to old seed that will impede growth, then you are preventing yourself from receiving fresh fertile seed that will grow more abundant. It is only when you can bring yourself to unclasp your hands and let go of the old that you will be able to receive the new and fresh seed that eagerly awaits to grow in abundance. This is the appointed time for you to get rid of infertile seeds that causes you nothing but grief and struggling; open your hands to receive and plant anew...
All The Best… I wish for you a happy and prosperous life!
SO Murray
March 20, 2015
SO Murray