Keep it together

211.Life would be easier if...

212.If I didn’t have to go to school...

213.I feel sorry for...

214.My opinion about exercise.

215.Discipline at our school.

216.The teachers at my school.

217.I wonder if...

218.Please help me.

219.I love my computer.

220.I find computers intimidating.

221.Those were the good old days.

222.It always seems to happen to me.

223.Death is...

224.The mistakes that my parents are making.

225.The best car in the world.

226.I am proud of my country.

227.I am proud of who I am.

228.Some of the things our world could do without.

229.I feel so insecure.

230.The difficulties of being a teenager.

231.Our school could use a change.

232.I always live by the following rules.

233.If I could be a principal for a day.

234.Cooperation is the answer.

235.How I learned to ride my bike.

236.Slowing down and smelling the flowers is important.

237.Being educated means...

238.Things that I just can’t seem to do.

239.Wrong role models.

240.Problems caused by drinking alcohol.

241.Drinking and driving are a deadly mix.

242.Avoid “the quick sand” crowd.

243.This person has it all.

244.I often feel lazy.

245.I feel at my very best when...

246.I hope that I never...

247.The accident I witnessed.

248.The ... I witnessed.

249.When I become a parent.

250.We should be thankful for...

251.The things that confuse me.

252.I love my...

253.I once almost...

254.Journal writing is...

255.I enjoy sleeping in.

256.This is how day and night happen.

257.This is how the world began.

258.My favorite desserts.

259.People should make an effort to get along.

260.Health is important.

261.Where did human beings originate?

262.Believe it or not...

263.Believe it or not, I once...

264.I believe in UFOs.

265.Reasons why I don’t give it my best in school.

266.School, a positive and negative experience.

267.Some things that I will always regret doing.

268.The final message to my teacher.

269.If I had my own computer.

270.I like camping.

271.My favorite memory.

272.I wish that our school didn’t have...

273.A letter to a celebrity.

274.The ideal school.

275.Ten reasons why friends have fights.

276.When I get scared I...

277.I enjoy watching television.

278.My parents are very strict.

279.My favorite song.

280.The most meaningful moment of my life.

281.I couldn’t exist without...

282.It’s just not fair!

283.The ideal family.

284.The ideal world.

285.I can’t wait for Summer.

286.Why is everyone in a rush?

287.My personal “ten commandments”.

288.My greatest discovery.

289.I feel very ... today.

290.The sounds I hear in our classroom.

291.My best birthday ever.

292.I don’t like my neighborhood.

293.My pet peeves.

294.My neighborhood.

295.I would like to tell you about...

296.My five-year plan.

297.My ten-year plan.

298.The ideal me.

299.If I could be good at anything I would like it to be...

300.Thirty years from now...

301.I was once in a car accident.

302.The car accident that changed my life.

303.Do I ever love shopping!

304.I can’t stand going shopping with ...

305.My chores and responsibilities.

306.This is what I think of exercise.

307.If I were a film director I would make a film about ...

308.These are the things that my friends and I enjoy doing

309.My family and I get to do a lot of traveling.

310.The most fascinating place in the world.

311.I will tell you about my favorite video game.

312.Playing video games may be hazardous to your mind.

313.I am addicted to ...

314.Being a teenager has is advantages and disadvantages.

315.I can’t wait to become an adult.

316.How I would solve the problem of poverty.

317.Money isn’t everything.

318.The reasons why people get unusual haircuts.

319.I will explain to you why I think people wear earrings.

320.The “X” generation.

321.I can’t stand hearing about the subject of politics.

322.Most politicians are crooks.

323.Computers are confusing, complicated and frustrating.

324.Computer technology is absolutely amazing!

325.I love using computers.

326.The computer equipment I have at home.

327.The computer equipment I wish I had.

328.One day the computers will ...

329.Sports, the new gods of our century.

330.Our polluted and endangered world.

331.Evolution or Creation?

332.I love reading books, and this is my favorite book.

333.Women are better at some things than men.

334.The things that men do better than women.

335.Men and women are equal.

336.There are many differences between men and women.

337.I wish that everyone would simply get along.

338.This is my future.

339.My past.

340.I believe in miracles.

341.Killing is wrong.

342.I agree with capital punishment.

343.I disagree with capital punishment.

344.If God does not exist then who makes the rules?

345.I am not very good at ...

346.I am a “night” person.

347.My musical instrument.

348.Where does the universe end?

349.Where is the end of universe and what is on the other side?

350.What existed before the universe was created?

351.How can there be infinity?

352.If there is an end to the universe what is on the other side?

353.Dog is “man’s best friend”.

354.The reasons why I often get lazy.

355.I am very good at building things.

356.The most interesting person that I ever met.

357.These are my relatives.

358.I am prone to accidents.

359.All the bad things seem to happen to me!

360.I will tell you about my nightmares.

361.I flew in an airplane.

362.The things that I wish I could do.

363.If I could be honest with my teachers I would tell ...

364.I am scared of ...

365.Television, then and now.

366.Movies, then and now.

367.If God really did exist then ...

368.I am always bored and I don’t know what to do about it.

369.Life is boring.

370.The day I began to wear glasses.

371.Life and being alive is exciting!

372.I can truly say that I never get bored.

373.I hate exercising.

374.My imagination often gets me into trouble.

375.Gambling is wrong.

376.Where does the freedom of choice end?

377.Honesty is the thread that binds a healthy society.

378.Spiders, insects and creepy, slithering things scare me.

379.May I tell you about my crazy friends?

380.Someone should do something about ...

381.Watching professional wrestling may be hazardous.

382.Some people are clean and well organized by nature.

383.The rules that I live by.

384.The most important rule.

385.Life is a great mystery.

386.I feel confused.

387.Today I feel very happy.

388.Why are there so many religions in this world?

389.Will somebody tell me what is going on?

390.The worst smell that my nose ever had to endure.

391.The habits I would like to get rid of.

392.A very special moment.

393.Accidents will happen!

394.The worst weather I ever experienced.

395.I do not celebrate the following holidays.

396.My favorite expression or saying.

397.Could you please help me?

398.I was been born in a wrong century.

399.My childhood. words to this world will likely be ...






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