Hack it, Already!
Save 100s of Dollars a Year With This $5 App
As a consumer, you represent a ton of lifetime value to service providers. For services like cable,
t, cell phone, and even gym memberships, keeping you as a customer can be worth thousands of

dollars to a company.
This means leverage that you can use to your advantage... and there’s an app
that can help you Ramit Sethi developed an app called “Negotiate It.” This app can provide you with a list of situations and services where you can often save money with a simple phone call.
Don’t know what to say? The app has you covered! It gives you exact scripts that you can use.
A Fan - Performed Exactly As Advertised
This is exactly how this happened. I heard Ramit on Pat Flynn's podcast. Pat mentioned this app. I found it in App Store and bought it. I called Verizon. 10 minutes later I had a rep on the phone. I read the script in the app verbatim. The Verizon rep cut my monthly bill by $30. In a 35 minute commute driving in traffic, I paid $3 for this app and instantly saved $360 per year in cable bill. I have literally never been more satisfied by an app in my entire life.