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Muttering, Stuttering & Suffering

Annoyance from the AARP


I get a text from this acquaintance, alright, 'friend' you know that once in a blue moon; I don't want to bother; but let me fulfill an obligation just in case I might need to call, if I find my arse in jail.


Anyway, she is bitching and rightfully so, that she is 49 1/2 years old and she gets an invitation from AARP.


Now, if and when I get that old and looking down the barrel of 60, I am not going to lie, I would be very pissed, that AARP has not kept up with the times.



Naturally, the good 'friend' I am, I texted back....Isn't 50 the new 40.....? Fun and joke aside, come on AARP, you are not dealing with your mother's mother, you are dealing with the forever young Baby Boomers, a very self-serving and morally righteous lot - The all about me generation! Time to reset AARP!


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