Grin and bear it!

 Muttering, Stuttering & Suffering

Blowing In The Wind!


Hate cross roads, I think I have been at one too many of them, like millions of others, of course.




Am I complaining, absolutely! I am tied under water like everybody else, it's just to what degree and relativity, some people's feet are tied to rocks by cow chains, while the necks of others are themselves chains.


I like to take stock of my life every once in a dog's year and somehow forced its direction to the path not taken or just revisit the one that felt most comfortable. How I covet a nice change, something with meaning and quantifiable amount of self-actualization. I keep having this recurring dream that I have to sit a test and I am always late and not prepared to take it or I am travelling and I can never find clothes to pack, bloody hell!



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