A tiger in your tank

I am going to assume here, that you know how to show up to work on time and take instructions. However,  what I am not going to assume is that you are able  to transfer skill-set you have learnt in college and apply it to  workplace situations. Here is the thing, when I was at business school, the guys that got the best jobs were the ones that were able to master that art of bullshitting, again, so as not to sound like a broken record, today, it’s a whole different set of game changers based on creativity and  critical problem solving skills.

First order of business in looking a job is not to look and sound desperate, many years ago, I had the displeasure of interviewing this woman that a friend recommended, the first turn off was the woman came to my office huffing and puffing with beads of sweats flooding off her face, a big turn off to say the least.


This is what I interpreted her nonverbal communication to mean, I am careless and I don’t take pride in my personal appearance and thus, I will be sloppy and I will not  pay attention to details.  I can tell you, no matter if you have gotten A++ coming out your wazoos  if you cannot compose a simple sentence free of grammatical errors and mis-spelt words, then your job seeking efforts is dead on


There are two things to understand about writing, I am assuming that since you have graduated from college, that you at least know how to read. First, you have to at least have a thought formed in your cranium.

Second, you have to be able to put that thought into words. Say you are  crippled with fear about putting your thoughts down on paper, so to speak, because  you know that your grammar is atrocious.

Well, the fact that you have recognized your short comings and limitations is the first step and that is a good thing.





One way to deal with this flaw is to join discussions forums and reading comments on social media to see how people express themselves and get their point of view across. Also,  sign up on Twitter under a pseudo name and tweet till the cows come home.




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