So, let me get on with it, many tail wagging years ago, while trying to find myself, which by the way, I still haven’t found. I convince myself that I could move beyond the realm of being infatuated with this guy. Naturally, he was from a good stock, a brilliant guy and a good catch to say the least.
Oh God, I am frightfully weird, that said, everything I do mostly involves some type of a mathematical equation. In this case, I factored in dependent variables such as good genes, good looks, good breeding, notwithstanding his kibbles and bits, I could live with that???; but dang, every few dog hair of time, this dude would cough like a cat and embark on a spitting spree , no bwoy!, a big minus.
Look, this guy doted on his family, and I have no problem with that he hissed and sputtered for them, but what I took issue with, was when he underscored this emotion by expressing that, if his extended relatives visited him from the rural areas of Jamaica, that he had no qualms that they came and went as they pleased, not in my book, babba!. Putting it succinctly, I am a person that doesn't like too much ging bang and banga wrang around me.
However, here is the straw that did him in, this guy was a mechanical engineer turned aspiring medical student in Jamaica. On this day, I visited him on the medical campus.
Sadly, at this inopportune time, he was sitting on rock; under a tree; shoveling down some sort of chicken and rice with a big serving spoon, from a Buckingham quart ice cream plastic container. Please don’t enquire which part of that image was a turn off for me.
End of story, he told me that his mother taught him not put his hat where his hand could not reach it, and I understood that clearly.