The Spew Yawker
…..Think it!….Quip it!
Monday, April 16, 2012
Today, I don’t know if it’s because it’s Monday and rainy, but it’s a no IQ day for me. A caffeine fix is not doing the trick. So, let me see if I can throw some words together, and hope that the dribble I scribble will make sense out of nonsense.
I wonder, now that Facebook, Twitter, the Huffington Post, YouTube, Pinterest, etc’, have collectively created an insatiable monster out man’s desire for its incessant addiction to be relentlessly entertained.
Nonetheless, a need sated only through the endless flow of fresh comedic relief, over the top hyperbolic expressions, and creative intellectual nut crackers.
That said, like everything else, all good things come to an end and social media is no different. Got passé? - Audiences get bored; consumers become fickle; folks crave more instant gratification; people seek different kinds of attention; members move on.
I wonder, what’s the next game changer, the next big thing? Or, will it be full circle when man returns to reading a good book, participates in old fashion face to face conversation or will he just vegetate in front to the television?