Strange Creatures Above Us!
This morning as I made my way to do my regular drop off at my kids school, my daughter, without warning yelled “ There is a dinosaur , look look look!”
My heart leaped…..
I began to slightly panic. Having seen the advertisement of the movie Jurassic Park I almost screamed but as I hit the brakes
she quickly pointed to the sky and began to tell the parts of the dinosaur that was most visible. As I got to the next stop light I looked up. Sure there was a huge dinosaur above us and it was moving. I smiled and shook my head “only my daughter”
Thais has been a cloud watcher since the age of 7+. Whenever we went on road trips she would spend hours just watching the sky and the hills until she fell asleep. “Look mommy I see a pig. There is his ears, nose and look see his curly tail!” and if you stop to look and look hard enough focusing on what she told you, you would see it in the clouds.
To date, every chance she gets she would watch the clouds. It is funny how unknowing to us at the time her step dad does the same so days on the beach is not only spent splashing in the water but watching the clouds.
(I think it’s just boring but I guess it’s their way of bonding)
As I pulled up in the parking lot at her school earlier I decided to surprise her just the same as I looked to the sky and saw an eagle with its wings spread wide and at an angle that would suggest he is going in for a kill. She love it and so this morning we spent some time cloud watching and bonding.
I watched and I watched and then I had a thought. Do you remember that saying about people entering your life for a reason…Let take a look at the clouds from this perspective.
The clouds represent life and people. The clouds never stands still, it is always moving hence the shapes are ever changing.
When the clouds come together they form a pattern and together it reflects not just clouds but an object we can identify with in our daily lives. The thing is it is temporary. What my daughter and I saw this morning we would not be able to see it at the same location at 12noon today so what does this tell you?
Well it tells me that life, people, things are ever changing every second of the day. Nothing truly remains constant and therefore when you are happy embrace it and share it if you wish because just as how the clouds are swiftly moving your situation may change in the blink of an eye and when it is gone YOU MAY NEVER GET THE OPPORTUNITY TO RELIVE THAT MOMENT EVER AGAIN!
As for the part about people entering your life for a reason, well they do! So when it is time to go let them go, forcing them to stay will only hamper your progress, well in this case your next shape or form. Thanks for reading!