Born in Jamaica in the year 1981 to parents Iva and Vincent Hunter in little district called Lewis Store my childhood years are filled with fond memories. I began school at an early age since my mother was a teacher at Highgate Hall Age Primary in Highgate, St. Mary and I was drawn to music as my dad had a small sound system that would fill the air with Bob Marleys albums every Sunday evening after church. Successfully passing my Common Entrance Examination in 1992 I moved on to St. Mary High School then subsequently to Marymount Business College and pursued additional Business Courses. Read More...

The Rules of Getting Fit

by my skinny friend who insisted from 5:30p.m. we are going for ice cream when we left the business place I was conducting some business. I reminded my skinny friend of my commitment with Shaun T (P90x on day 24) and that going for such a delicacy does not really fit in to the program BUT the skinny friend insisted.  I even suggested going for a drink a Bin26 to just unwind and chit chat about the weeks events but the skinny friend said “ Dee we are going for ice cream” and then made “the” face and I just gave in to her suggestion. That’s the face where she looks over her glasses and stares you up and down and pout the lips yup that same one. Okay Miss skinny you win tonight mam.

So off we went to get some ice cream and I suddenly got a sinking feeling in my tummy. This isn’t right. Why should I set back my efforts for ice cream. Reasoning with yourself about whether to eat foods you want to indulge in is a real headache and the five minute drive to the ice cream shop just cut my ability to reason any further as I stood in the shop while she ordered. “Dee what are you having” without thinking “ Rum and Rasin” oops I should have just slapped myself ten times for that, absolutely no self control.  While scrolling through my pictures I suddenly stopped to look at my arms in a picture I had taken earlier that morning. Wow I was really making progress with the arms and the thighs. I was beginning to feel empowered and ready to refuse the ice cream only to look up and there was Miss skinny with my rum and rasin in my face “thanks” is all I could say and I began to devour the ice cream like it was the only meal I had all day.

Feeling quite guilty as we strolled back to the parking lot I gradually felt the ice cream spreading in all parts of my body and I began to feel heavy. I thought I suddenly gained about ten lbs on the spot and so I began to talk about my sets backs since having the one scoop of ice cream. Miss Skinny listened and she listened  and with out warning the words flowed from her mouth “ Dee I bet if it was cheese cake I would not hear a whimp outta you mouth hmmmmmmmmm” silenced by such a statement I quickly changed the subject. " What are we doing Friday night?"... She was right and after such a statement how could I find a comeback to hit her with? Arghhhhhhh. I suddenly heard Bob Marley singing in my head " Only your knows your secret, so only he can reveal it"


The truth is there is no rule cast in stone when getting slim or fit. Eat healthy by substituting unhealthy foods and have a steady workout routine. Nothing strenuous; moderation is key. Treat yourself just do not over indulge and little by little the results will start happening and most of all enjoy being around the friends you have whether skinny or otherwise. Once they are positive motivators and support your efforts you are in good hands and most of all have fun on your journey to living a healthy lifestyle.


Thanks for the Ice cream my skinny friend. Love you Camz Sinclair :)


Sigma 2014, just before the start of the race..Camz and Dee

  Dee Hunt


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