Born in Jamaica in the year 1981 to parents Iva and Vincent Hunter in little district called Lewis Store my childhood years are filled with fond memories. I began school at an early age since my mother was a teacher at Highgate Hall Age Primary in Highgate, St. Mary and I was drawn to music as my dad had a small sound system that would fill the air with Bob Marleys albums every Sunday evening after church. Successfully passing my Common Entrance Examination in 1992 I moved on to St. Mary High School then subsequently to Marymount Business College and pursued additional Business Courses. Read More...

Untied Knots

deduct any points from ones credibility, integrity, mariagae-ability (you get the point). It does not say the person was unfit for marriage or that they could possibly be the cause of the failed experience. With the exception of situations of publicised abuse the only things that should be acknowledged are :-

1. The person’s status now becoming “single”

2. It did not work out.

Too often the emphasises is placed on the whys and how comes to ascertain why a particular relationship did not work out and most times it is pretty simple; both parties have grown apart and are heading into two different directions which could have resulted in constant conflicts leading to unhappiness and either one partty decided to leave or both. We need to move from the culture of assuming it must have something to do with infidelity and then the table chairs are drawn, the inboxing others who may not have noticed and the assumptions discussed even when an enquiry is made and an answer given persons tend to still continue the assumption.



So here is my 1,2,3,4,5 wait another one in my purse 6


Here is my six cents on the topic

The fact that you were never living with the couple and did not have day to day close interaction to them renders you unfit to cast any assumptions. One sided stories are the worst to use and take sides with one party. It should not even be a concern to you unless you are concern about the well being of the children involved or the emotional side effects that both parties may experience after the separation. The topic is a very sensitive one for both parties involved and therefore discussions around such topics should be carefully approached and should not be taken lightly.  Never try to get one party to start speaking ill of the other party involved in an effort to appease your own desire for more information. If your not the divorce lawyer stay out of it, do not encourage any form  of action or suggestions to things that should be done that will possible hurt or put the other party in a situation that renders them helpless. Family members tend to take sides drawing battle lines but a mature approach can result in a drama free separtaion with both families still mainataining repsect and a mutal relationship.

Marriage is a beautiful experience and it should not be taken lightly. Their must have been happy days and memories made by both parties. They decided to tie the knot so allow them the space to untie as they so wish. So the next time you hear of a couple you know getting a divorce or separated or someone’s changes their status from married to single; think carefully before you throw your 1 cent in. allow them the freedom to pick up the pieces without fear of being bombarded with insignificant questions. Allow then to move on and continue living.



  Dee Hunt


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