Born in Jamaica in the year 1981 to parents Iva and Vincent Hunter in little district called Lewis Store my childhood years are filled with fond memories. I began school at an early age since my mother was a teacher at Highgate Hall Age Primary in Highgate, St. Mary and I was drawn to music as my dad had a small sound system that would fill the air with Bob Marleys albums every Sunday evening after church. Successfully passing my Common Entrance Examination in 1992 I moved on to St. Mary High School then subsequently to Marymount Business College and pursued additional Business Courses. Read More...

Full Blast So Listen Up!

The problem with this world is not that we lack resources OR we need a new planet to live on. The problem is that we allow ourselves to get caught up

in other people’s life in the wrong way so much that we want to tell them how to live. Might as well tell them how and when to breathe too. The problem is that you say you love and you care but you allow that self taught selfish nature to grow inside you daily. You never have a good word to say about any one unless it is a close friend or family. Nothing any one does is ever enough they are always lacking something in your views.

Yes selfishness is self taught to a certain extent as we are also prone to be selfish if we are not careful however some persons chose to deliberately  be selfish and all for themselves. Most of the problems in the world can be fixed if selfishness and greed can be erased. Billions are spent to fight wars against each other and only a few thousands spent to feed millions of children who are starving in Africa. In our own country people suffer everyday.  The worst part you complain everyday that you do not have enough.

You open your refrigerator you see six eggs, cheese, a bottle of juice, some left over dinner, chicken and some fish you could cook and you say (twanging) "Damn I ain't got no food in the house, what am i going to eat i am hungry".

Excuse me? You ain't got no what?  

You woke up this morning and you be like “I hate that dam job, I can’t be bothered with it I don't even feel like going back "

Excuse me? You have a What? I don't care what it is you do but you have a job... Open your eyes you are not in the unemployed pool which by the way is thousands. 

Learn to count your blessings and while you are grateful that your not less fortunate pray for those who are so that they may one day soon have as much as you do.

"Why the hell is she behaving as if she is better than everybody else, no body cares?"

“Who does he think he is, he ain’t nobody"

My favourite “Shout out to ma haters, I don’t care about you all"

These are ways we tear down Each other DAILY. You do it without even knowing your doing it. Yes she has a right to be that way she is unique, you can’t be like her, allow her to be her and either appreciate her for who she is or shut the hell up.

He is somebody so why put him down for trying and those of you who make silly post about haters I just want to smack you and tell you stop saluting people who cares zero if you succeed or not. The more attention you give them the more they won’t stop.

The time to unite is now; learn to be your brother’s keepers learn to encourage each other to reach their full potential.

“Hey girl I see your doing nails now and I just want to tell you keep up the good work I see you love what your doing”

You don’t have to be hypocritical and say you like them when you dam well know you don’t. Iif you see where she can improve give a suggestion with a kind word. You see a nail course near her suggest it don’t be tripping telling others “You don’t know what the hell she is trying”

We are not here to do the same things so quit fighting each other, quit trying to prove to each other that your are better off because YOU ARE NOT.

We are all living in a system where the only way to survive is through credit.. mortgage, cars etc not ours the bank owns them the government owns us SO

Stop your nonsense, live good with people always, look out for each other, be each others backbone while we all climb the ladder to experience our full potential. Encourage each other and be genuine always, speak your truth, make sure yous Integrity is in tack and continue to plant seed of success daily by saying amazing things about yourself and others daily!

Be Dee Inspired


  Dee Hunt


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