Born in Jamaica in the year 1981 to parents Iva and Vincent Hunter in little district called Lewis Store my childhood years are filled with fond memories. I began school at an early age since my mother was a teacher at Highgate Hall Age Primary in Highgate, St. Mary and I was drawn to music as my dad had a small sound system that would fill the air with Bob Marleys albums every Sunday evening after church. Successfully passing my Common Entrance Examination in 1992 I moved on to St. Mary High School then subsequently to Marymount Business College and pursued additional Business Courses. Read More...

It Comes Naturally

stay. Just like some women some men do not know what they want and those who claim they know will find that someone acknowledge them but still go out chasing and flirting others. Some will keep you as a just incase I don't find any one better card. Some Love are just meant to be temporary and it is in those moments I will urge you to bask in the moment. Give it all you can afford to give and when it is done try and move on with the wonderful memories. Don't do things or give things to someone in the hope that he or she will stay. You do not want some one to end up loving you because of what they can get but genuinely loves you the person despite your imperfections.

I often envy old couples. I wish I could comprehend how they did it. Yes how did they manage to stay with each other throughout the years. Was it that she ignored his bad side or he did hers or did they just learn to tolerate each other despite all the imperfections. Could it be that from the get go both decided to grow old together and by doing so created the conditions ? I think it's that.

Our mindset and out look at the beginning of a relationship can help to decide the destination. Well yes there are other deciding factors such as what both are looking for in the experience especially future plans goals etc
It makes no sense you blindly say you want to spend forever with someone whom you have no idea what futuristic plans the other has. For such commitment to Work both have to be on the same page at all times. Maturity and patience is key. There will be challenges to be experienced so try and work them out as soon as they surface. If your relationship has problems getting married won't solve them. If your partner met you this way and loved you like that don't go 360 after the wedding. Create the conditions for a genuine relationship from the beginning. Love the person but Love yourself more. This doesn't mean that you're to be selfish it means you will be realistic about your outlook because you will make conscious decisions that will also affect you.

Have you ever found yourself in a relationship that feels so right on so many levels but feels wrong? Fear of the unknown is a terrible feeling and it can limit you. The wrong feeling is not about guilt it more speaks to the anticipation of the end of the relationship. You are loving every moment of the relationship yet your dreading the separation to going back to lonely nights and having to start dating all over again. You Love this person with all your heart your done looking, your satisfied and your ready to say forever but in reality it slowly becomes evident that the possibility of forever is far from their thought, they Love you but the level of commitment your giving will never be reciprocated because the other party does not feel the way you do. This must be hard to accept but it is what most couples experience then one feels obligated to commit even when they aren't ready.

There is no clear cut way to deal with this except continue to keep your social circle. Go out and have fun and date yes date do what you Love but don't settle and committ to some one who isn't doing the same. When he or she is ready and perhaps you are still in that mind set then go ahead.

Love is amazing and everyone should atleast get one true experience with someone. I do not believe in our entire life we were truly destined to Love only one person or else we would still be with our first Love right? So when you Love again Love, keep the Love realistic, keep your life in tact so after Love is gone it is easier to pick up the pieces and moved on.

I have loved and lost and am loving again and it may also end up lost but I know my worth and I will never sacrifice my values and morals just so I am not lonely. I Love me more and besides I got too much Love not to continue loving.

  Dee Hunt


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